
Swank Show

We had fun hanging out at the Swank show last saturday. Here are some pics:

Thanks to all who came out to support us!


Another Show

Petaline will have a booth at Seattle Swank Show on Saturday, August 26th from 10 to 5 at the Phinney Ridge Neighborhood Center (lower building) at 6532 Phinney Ave. Come and check out the show, we'll have a variety of products from our artists and many Petaline artists will be in attendence with their own booths.

Baby Stuff Galore!

I found this great site called Sparkability which has some of the cutest darn baby stuff. If money were no object I would snatch up the following:

Modern Crib Bedding:

Superhero plates:

Swallows Mobile:

PIgeon Light (my favorite, how perfect for Smidge's room):


Our First Show!

Karin and her husband rocked the house at the US Rowing Masters Championship at Greenlake last weekend. It was a very successful first effort for Petaline and taught us many lessons! Check out these pics:


Pug in a flower pot

We had a garage sale a few weeks ago and Sprints really wanted to be outside with us, so the mister put her in a ceramic pot as a joke and she stayed there the whole day. It was pretty cute:

Shop at Petaline!

I'm happy to announce that after months of hard work, Karin and I have launched the Petaline on-line boutique! We don't have all the artists up yet, we're working hard to have everyone represented by the end of this month. Please pass the site on to your friends who may be interested in supporting us. And don't forget to sign up for our newsletter for updates.

If you're in the Seattle area and want to check out a sampling of our products, please visit Karin at Greenlake next weekend (the 11th and 12th of August) at the US Rowing Masters National Championship where we'll have a booth.


My Dad

An aunt of mine recently sent me this photo of my dad (he's the one in the middle, wearing white):

I love this shot because he looks so happy. He died 4 years ago and I've been thinking about him a lot recently because of smidge. He loved little kids and would have been an amazing grampa. I miss him like crazy.


New photos of smidge

Finally got the mister to show me how to fix these up, so here she is:

Here is her little foot:

We're thinking Amelia for her name currently, but we're not set on it. My mother has been going crazy with the cute baby girl clothes, making me super happy! She is so generous and will be an incredible grammie, I'm sure. This girl is bound to be spoiled rotten. Kinda like her mom.